Thalia Novella, the Latin starlet with a wit that will leave you in stitches!
Altimate Showdown 2 Heat 2 revealed only a few are familiar with Thalia Novella's comedic side while cementing the fact that audiences now want more of it!
Micah Rustichelli shows you can paint with more than just your hands.
If you had on your 2023 Bingo Card, an artist painting a portrait of Beverly Kills using a paintbrush between their butt cheeks, consider it ticked off!
Lila Luxx at Alt. Queerdom.
I recently went through some old folders on my laptop and found these photos of Lila Luxx's performance at last year's Alt. Queerdom.
Do not miss the Altimate.Showdown!
Altimate.Showdown is set to be a a talent competition like none other. Expect the unexpected!
A moment of bittersweet reflection.
When Facebook reminds me of the old Marriage Equality rallies, it's hard not to feel nostalgic and sentimental. It's also bittersweet.
In seven days I fly to the UK chasing fiction.
Today marks exactly seven days until I hop on a plane for a 24-hour flight to the UK. I've hit the homeward stretch, and I'm beyond excited.
Car Parks and Drag Queens.
I've recently been sorting through some files on my hard drive and came across these photos of my first photo shoot with drag queen Roxanne Redacted.
The cutest proposal ever!
There are moments I share with friends that burn an everlasting print in my memories.
Straight Between the Sheets
My first cover feature, ‘Straight Between The Sheets.’ What can I say? I was young and thought I was going to be a gay Carrie Bradshaw.
New Beginnings…
I recently managed to reclaim my domain. As a result, I wondered if I should redirect it to a blog I had been writing for over twelve years or start something new.