My Essential Kindle Reads.
There is something magical about getting lost in a good book, whether an old classic, a gripping memoir, or a wild tale of adventure. I've spent countless hours flipping through pages (or, more accurately, tapping on my Kindle) and wanted to share some of my all-time favourite reads.
Living out a childhood dream.
Facebook memories have a magical way of reminding us of past times. Today, they triggered a memory of living out a childhood dream precisely 8 years ago. It's a reminder that our dreams deserve to see the light of day, and we owe it to ourselves to make that happen.
As 2024 draws to a close…
As 2024 draws to a close, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible journey this year has been.
Thank you, John Marsden.
Hearing about the passing of Australian author John Marsden today hits me deeply. He was the first author whose books made me so excited that I would wait outside a bookstore on release day, counting down the seconds to get my hands on his latest work.
A brief visit to Melbourne.
I flew down to Melbourne a little while back for some work training. Cris and I used it as an opportunity to catch up with friends and do some sightseeing.
Handmade earrings by yours truly.
I recently started making my own earrings, which I plan to sell. Does this now make me an entrepreneur?
Love is sometimes a game of tug-of-war.
Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls. What should have been a first anniversary is now a week since my relationship came to an end. Of course, this past week has been a roller coaster of emotions.
Japan Trip 2024
Last month, I flew back to Japan for my annual trip to Hakuba Gay Ski Week. It's been my third year attending, and every time I go, my love for the beautiful country of Japan grows even stronger.
I could never be your woman…Or man.
This was a personal essay I wrote for University, that in the process I discovered a few things about myself. While I may have come out as gay 17 years before, I guess you could say, I was experiencing another type of coming out.
Snapshots of Darwin
A little while back, we made a brief visit to Darwin. After nearly four months in Fitzroy Crossing, my partner and I decided to unwind for a few days in Darwin before returning to Brisbane. It was a well-deserved and needed break.