Highlights from Altimate.Showdown Season One.
One of the highlights of last year for me definitely has to be shooting Altimate.Showdown. The competition saw over 50 competitors featuring local talent, including visual arts, drag, standup comedy, burlesque, sideshow, and more. Last year saw visual performance artist Micah Rustichelli take out the crown.
It was a competition, unlike anything that had happened in Brisbane before. The support and encouragement that not only the performers showed each other, but the audience as well was so beautiful and inspiring.
Now this week, Altimate.Showdown returns to Brisbane for season two. I won’t lie; I’m suffering a little FOMO that I’m missing out on the first couple of weeks of the competition as I’m still going to be in Western Australia. That in itself is a story for another time. It’s been long overdue since I uploaded all the highlights from the competition’s debut season, so here they all are!
Have a slide through each gallery and enjoy the craziness that is Altimate.Showdown!
Heat 2
Heat 3
Heat 4
Grand Final
If you’re currently in Brisbane, be sure to go along and check the competition out! You won’t be disappointed. For all details, check out the Alt. facebook page.