Thank you, John Marsden.
Hearing about the passing of Australian author John Marsden today hits me deeply. He was the first author whose books made me so excited that I would wait outside a bookstore on release day, counting down the seconds to get my hands on his latest work. Before the world was swept up in the tales of a boy wizard, we had the gripping adventures of Ellie Linton.
For me, the Tomorrow, When the War Began series was the most influential and cherished book series of my teenage years. Though many of his other works were also personal favourites that I revisited often, his storytelling consistently fueled my love of reading and inspired my own passion for writing.
There’s no doubt that John Marsden’s words touched millions of hearts over the years. While he may have moved on to the next chapter, his work will continue to inspire generations to come. My teenage years wouldn’t have been the same without his books, and I’ll always be grateful.
Thank you, John Marsden.